Looking for Window Tinting? 7 Questions to Ask for the Perfect Tint

By AW Window Tinting

As savvy consumers, we must become informed before investing in a product or service. When it comes to tinting your car windows, there’s no doubt it’s a wise choice for protecting yourself from skin damage and extending the life of your upholstery. But, before you book an appointment with a local business, you must arm yourself with the correct information. To ensure you get the best service and value for your money, here are seven (7) essential questions to ask before booking your tinting appointment.

1-What type of film do you want?

There are different types of window films available on the market, each with its unique features and benefits. Some of the most popular options include dyed films, metallic films, and ceramic films. Consider the pros and cons of each type and choose the one that best fits your needs.

2-What are the legal shades (colors) for car window tints in Florida?

The options for the tint shade (color) are diverse, but make sure to comply with the legal requirements outlined below:

– Side two (2) windows: Tint levels must be at 80%, 50%, 40%, or 30%

– Back side two (2) windows: Tint levels must be at 80%, 50%, 40%, 30%, 25%, or 15%

Keep in mind that the windshield cannot have any reflection, even above the AS-1 line where tint can be applied. Ensure compliance with the law by considering a clear film, such as Llumar AIR80 film, which will provide protection from the sun’s harmful UV rays and meet Florida’s regulations, just like colored films. Don’t mess with the law – protect yourself and stay within the limits.

3-What type of warranty is offered?

It’s crucial to educate yourself on the various film brands in the market to make an informed decision. Opt for a film company with a proven track record, national reach, and an unwavering commitment to their warranty. Don’t settle for anything less than a comprehensive warranty for your window tinting. Some film companies even provide these warranties for free!

4-Who will install the film?

The installation of the tint is just as crucial as the quality of the film itself. Ask your service provider about their installation process and the experience of their installers. A poorly installed film can cause bubbling, peeling, and other issues that can be costly to fix.

5-How long will the job take?

The job’s duration is varied based on your chosen service. Opting to tint all your vehicle’s windows (4 doors and back) could take about an hour. However, keep in mind that the time can fluctuate depending on your car’s make, and model, whether it’s a car/SUV/truck, and the installer’s experience.

6-What is my out-of-pocket?

Invest in high-quality window tinting to ensure long-lasting results. Don’t be tempted by cheap prices that may end up costing you more in the future due to their poor quality and lack of warranty. Expect to pay between $200-$1,000 for a full vehicle tint from a reputable dealer or shop. Always ask about any out-of-pocket expenses before committing to the service. Remember, this is an investment in the appearance and function of your vehicle, so choose wisely.

7-How long will my tint last?

Investing in a high-quality window tinting film is crucial to ensure long-lasting and affordable protection for your car. Expect a lifespan of around 5 to 10 years for top-of-the-line polyester, metal, or ceramic film. Don’t fall for cheap alternatives that require replacement every 1 to 2 years. These inferior options quickly turn purple and bubble, making it a headache to drive. Don’t settle for less than the best for your vehicle.

Looking for expert guidance in choosing the perfect window film? Look no further than AWT American Window Tinting! Our trustworthy and knowledgeable team provides you with top-quality results that meet your unique needs.

We proudly offer LLumar window film, an industry leader known for its exceptional quality, color stability, and durability. With our extensive selection of ATC Dyed, CTX Ceramic, and IRX Infrared Ceramic Window Tints, we’ve got you covered! Contact AWT American Window Tinting today at 954-588-8747 to schedule your appointment and experience the difference!


– Educate yourself when buying a product or service

– Tinting vehicles is important for skin protection, privacy, and blocking heat

– Before booking a tinting appointment, ask about film brands and warranty

– Choose a film company and a shop with a strong reputation, national distribution, and a good warranty.

Choose awtwindowtinting.com for all your window tinting needs!

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IRS Is Way Behind in Processing

By Christina Stewart
Have you filed a return with the IRS and still waiting for them to process it? Well, the good news is that the IRS is trying to clear out the backlog of unprocessed returns. The bad news is that as of December 9th, 2022 the IRS still has 2.5 million unprocessed returns from 2021 and earlier. This is a substantial improvement over the 7.6 and 6.7 million, respective individual and business returns that were not processed as of August.

You may be waiting just a little longer for that refund or any closure with these outstanding issues. Please contact Christina at Witcher & Stewart for more information regarding your specific situation.

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Keep Your Home Festive and Free of Crime this Holiday Season


The holiday season is known to bring about times of happiness – it’s the season of giving, gifting, spending quality times with friends and family, and traveling to share in the love.

Before hitting the road this holiday season, make sure you prepare your home accordingly. Keeping your house safe is imperative to enjoying your holiday plans, so we put together this list for you to check off before you head out.

1. Hide packages or gifts.

Let’s face it – it’s 2022, most of us do our shopping online nowadays. Do your best to bring in packages as soon as they are delivered to your door to avoid theft. Install a camera or alarm at your front door, so you’ll know if anyone has been looking around, or does try to steal your items. You can also instruct your delivery drivers to leave the packages at more secretive spots, like a back or side door. We do recommend you always have them leave it where you can see from a security camera or window.

2. Test your security system.

You can always contact the call center to your alarm system and ask them to come and test before you begin your holiday celebrations. This will give you peace of mind to know your house and gifts are safe while you enjoy your time.

3. Notify a neighbor.
Burglars can tell if a house has been “abandoned” by noting a collection of mail and newspapers at a home where the owners are away. Ask a neighbor or a friend to do you a favor, and hang onto it for you. This may set the burglar off, knowing that someone is looking out for that home, and hopefully they will move along.

4. Keep your home lit, even if you are not home.

A key that burglars look for when scoping out their next hit is of course, if you are home or not. If you are out at a holiday party for the night or traveling for a week, set up automatic light sensors outside, or even leave a light on inside to deter them from breaking and entering on your property.

5. Keep your travel plans offline.
This means don’t post on a public social media platform the dates you will be away, especially if you have your demographics in your profile. You never know who could be snooping around and doing some planning.

The team at All Florida Alarms wishes you a safe and festive Holiday Season!

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Use these four exercises to strengthen your legs

Contributed by Arielle Leavitt- Med America Rehab
– Strengthening your legs is a crucial practice that helps to create a solid foundation for overall strength. Additionally, incorporating cardio and strength training is beneficial to leading a healthy lifestyle.

– Alternating Knee Lifts are a great start to introducing gentle cardio and muscle building. This exercise targets your hamstrings, quads, and glutes while improving balance. To begin, stand about hip-width apart and lift your leg to hip height, or however high your knee will go without force. Alternate left knee, and right knee motions continuously for 1-3 minutes at the fastest, consistent speed possible for your capabilities.

– Squats are one of the best leg and glute strengthening exercises ever! This classic exercise brings out tremendous results. It targets hips, thighs and glutes. If you are new to exercising, you can begin using a hard chair. For both chair squats and standing squats begin with your feet a little further than feet-width apart, then bend your knees while shifting your weight to your heels until your pelvis is parallel to the floor or almost touches the chair. Then quickly return to a standing position. Repeat this motion 10-12 times as a set, take a brief rest and repeat 2-3 times, depending on your strength.

– Calf raises are a tremendous leg strengthener and toner for your calves and ankles. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart near a chair, counter or another sturdy, hip-height object, and push up to the balls of your feet. Once you have gotten to the balls of your feet, hold that position for 3 seconds then slowly lower your heels to the ground. Repeat this exercise 10-15 times in a set, and complete 2-3 sets with a brief rest in between.

– Step-Ups are important to include in a functional workout – it mirrors what we do every day: Walk, Climb Steps, getting in and out of a car. To complete this exercise you need a bench or sturdy box that is under knee height. Begin with feet hip-width apart, step onto the box with your right foot (be sure to keep your right knee over your right ankle) then step your left foot up and stand straight on the box. Then step backwards right then left. Repeat this exercise alternating feet to start, and complete two sets of 10-12 repetitions.

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How Social Media Posts Can Put You At Risk It

By Simon Plummer, All Florida Alarms – It’s amazing to be able to stay in touch with old friends, share pictures of your new grandchild or recent vacation, and find new ideas for DIY projects. You may post pictures of your gorgeous vacation. It may seem harmless. Unfortunately, it may not be.

Geo-tagging is the term used for posting geographic coordinates to media based off the location of your mobile device. This means without even realizing, when you post, you are sharing where you are in the world. It’s even been on “trend” to give names to locations that wouldn’t normally have one. For example, a home in Delray Beach could just be geo-tagged as “Delray Beach” ,  but if someone decides to name it “The Best Hangout” , that geotag gets a lot more specific. Also, with vacation photos, people know you are away from home.

It’s smart to consider your safety– and even smarter to practice safety online.

  1. Do not geo-tag your home if you can help it. Keep it general if you want to tag where you are so no one can find your home if you don’t want them to.
  2. While it’s fun to post vacation pictures – maybe wait until you get back, or don’t post the dates of your trip. It’s easy to connect the dots that if you’re out of the country or state – no one’s protecting your home.
  3. Watch for patterns of people you don’t know liking or engaging with your content. It’s a good idea to keep pages private.
  4. Have a plan when you travel – if you love to post what you’re up to, that’s okay – but have a security back at home. Have All Florida Alarms Install a security system, set up automatic motion sensor lights, and you can track your home right on your phone while away.
  5. Lastly, let a neighbor know you’ll be traveling so they can collect your newspaper, mail, and keep a neighbor’s eye on your property.

Protect your home and be careful what you share!

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How Can a Chiropractor Help Me After My Auto Accident?

By Dr. John DeMutiis- Chiropractors are able to treat neck and back injuries associated with auto accidents. Many times, individuals who have been injured in a car accident experience such intense muscle pain and stiffness that they simply cannot function normally. When left untreated, this discomfort can be a serious issue.

After an auto accident, some individuals experience indicators of whiplash injuries right away, such as blurred vision, headaches, shoulder pain, dizziness, reduced range of motion and arm pain. Whiplash can also result in minor back injuries, muscle injuries, ligament problems, and disc damage. Other individuals may be injured and feel nothing at all.

Treating pain or whiplash should never be secondary to bringing your car at the mechanic or working with your insurance company. If you’ve had an auto accident recently, your first priority should be taking the initiative to visit your chiropractor!

For more information or to contact Dr. John DeMutiis, go to https://www.vitspine.com

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Search Engine Optimization- Get Your site Found on Google

You Have a Website! Now What?
After your new site goes live, there are many last steps done to provide the optimum search results. We add metatags, set up a google business page, add analytics and do the proper SEO on every page, however, Google has its own crawl schedule and we have no control over how they rank your site and when.
Some factors include:

  • how much content is in your site
  • how relevant your domain and content is
  • how many competitors you have to name a few.

If you have an EXISTING site, a result of Google’s updates made this summer, performance metrics that measure things like speed, responsiveness and stability will now be factored into search rankings. If your site doesn’t meet Google’s latest requirements, it’s possible that your search ranking will go down.

Please contact Wagner Web designs.com or email andrea@wagnerwebdesigns.com if you think you may need a checkup.

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Here are 5 exercises you can do to strengthen your knees

Knee pain is one of the most common ailments that people seek treatment for. Knee pain can flare up during activities and exercises like squatting or running, and unfortunately some everyday activities like walking or using stairs. Without building strength to support the knee joint, untreated pain can lead to even more problems later on.

Arielle Levitt of MedAmerica Rehab offers some great exercises you can do to strengthen your knees:

Sit to Stand – this is a less impactful version of a squat that is easy to build upon as you get stronger.

1. Start with a chair behind you.
2. Slowly bend your knees until you feel your butt touching the chair, and sit.
3. Slowly extend the knees back up to standing.
This is one rep.
The higher the chair, the easier the exercise. Try not to use your arms to swing with any momentum, just using the strength of your legs to perform the exercise.
Perform for 10 reps 3 times.

Knee Extension – This is a good exercise to do right after your Sit to Stand.
1. Sit in a chair with your knees bent at 90 degrees. This is your starting position.
2. Starting with your right leg, gently extend your right leg so it goes from a 90 degree angle to being out straight.
3. Gently lower back down.
Repeat this exercise 10 times on each leg, 3 rounds.
Knee Flexion – Flexion of the knee is just the opposite of the previous exercise. Before, you kicked forward; now, you’re going to kick back.
1. Begin standing with your feet hip-width apart. Hands can either be on your hips, out in front of you, or gently holding onto a chair in front of you for assisted balance.
2. Starting with with right leg, bend the knee back, as if you were trying to send your heels to reach your sits bones.
3. Gently lower back down without shifting your weight.
This is 1 rep. Repeat this exercise 10 times on each leg, 3 rounds.

Wall Squats – This is a great exercise to try once you feel stable with the Sit to Stands. Don’t feel intimidated by the fact that this is a squat – it is assisted and should feel good!
1. Place a stability ball between your low back and a wall. If you don’t have a stability ball, you can just use the wall. Your feet should be slightly wider than hip width apart and your hands at your sides.
Bend your knees and walk your feet out so that your knees are bent at a 90 degree angle.
Keeping your back straight and your knees in line with your feet, gently extend the knees, rolling the ball up the wall.
Lower back down, bringing the knees to 90 degrees again.
Repeat for 10 repetitions, 3 rounds.

Hip Bridge – This is a great exercise to strengthen the knees, hips, glutes, and core. This exercise can gradually be made more difficult by adding resistance bands and/or weight.
1. Lay on your back with your knees bent, your heels in line with your sits bones. Place your arms on the ground next to you, palms on the ground.
2. Engage the core and press your heels into the ground, raising the hips off the floor. Your pelvis should be neutral (no arching or tucking), and your body should look like a straight line from knees to nose.
3. Hold for a moment at the top, and lower back down.
Repeat for 10 repetitions, 3 times through.
If you want the added bonus of the resistance bands, place the band around the thighs, just above the knees. Eventually you can add weight by holding a dumbbell at your hips.

These are great exercises to perform at home, but if you feel like you need additional help and guidance, don’t hesitate to call us! We’d love to assist you in getting stronger and back to your best self.

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Why Do Surveys and Reviews Matter to Your Business? By Bob Antoville

Today, more than at any time in our past, consumers are looking to the internet to make decisions on how to spend their money. They are using reviews of people just like you to guide them in their purchases. As a business owner or manager, it is your job to provide the superior service that gets you noticed by potential clients. How do you do that? Through surveys and reviews!

We have all been there before. After getting an oil change or other service at the car dealership, restaurants, or any other service, they remind you to fill out the survey or review that the company will send to your email. Seriously, though, how many times have you deleted or simply forgot about that email?

Relying on a consumer to complete online surveys after the fact is one of the biggest mistakes companies make today. The survey savvy business owner knows that getting reviews online not only drives more customers his or her way, but it also provides the valued opinions of current clients that can help improve operations.

Facts to Know about Customer Responsiveness

Consumers have high expectations these days. If they have a question or want information, they do not want to wait hours or days to get it. According to Forbes, an average of 51% of customers will take their business elsewhere if it takes more than six hours to get a response. One-third may not even wait an hour. Remember, when searching for information online, it is just as easy for them to go to the next name in the search engine.

Phone calls, email, text messaging, and social media, in that order, are the tools businesses use to communicate with their customers. However, many of the problems we see today have to do with communication and responsiveness on the part of the business. As many as 90% of companies do not acknowledge received emails to their customers, much less follow up to ensure satisfaction.

Why is it important to understand these facts when talking about surveys and reviews?

Because if you do not use the tools available to you to drive business your way and maintain it, there is no reason to stay in business. 98% of consumers today look at reviews left by other people when making their decisions.

How to Use Surveys and Reviews to Drive Business

Your Way Surveys and reviews are two entirely different subjects, yet they are both crucial to your business. However, you do not want to bombard your customers with too many demands – they are savvy and will see through your attempts at exploiting their valued opinions. What are surveys, and why do you need them? Surveys are your way of asking your customers questions about your business and the service you provide. Here are some common types of surveys and their benefits:

• Customer Feedback: These surveys let you know how good a job you are doing at meeting the needs of your customers. You can also use the information here to determine future product offerings, services, and marketing campaigns.

• Brand Awareness: These surveys let you know how your consumers view your brand compared to your competition. Positive responses let you know what you are doing right; negative ones show you areas that need improvement.

• Market Research: These surveys give you a sense of your consumer’s shopping habits, needs, and how they view your products or service. The results can influence your marketing strategies.

What are reviews, and why do you need them?

Reviews provide potential customers with the information they need to decide about using your business, service, or product. Positive reviews can increase your revenue; negative reviews can hurt your bottom line. Getting reviews while the information is still fresh in the mind of the consumer is crucial. Days or weeks later, they may forget about the superior service they received.

How to Get Reviews Right Away

Testimonials and reviews on your company website are important, but more so are the ones you see posted on Google, Yelp, Amazon, Trip Advisor, and other independent sites. Never underestimate the power of consumer reviews – they can make or break your business. In the past, you would ask your customer to go home and post on Google or Yelp if they were pleased with the service. Some would – many more would forget or just not care.

So, how do you get positive reviews right away before the consumer leaves your business?

Thanks to Beyondant, you can now have your customers complete those surveys and reviews before they leave your business. With one simple click on their phone, they can go directly to the various websites and, within minutes, provide those beneficial reviews. Beyondant’s patent-pending devices make it possible for you to get 100% participation from your customers, enabling you to reach more people through positive reviews of your business. Some businesses even use incentives as a tool to entice participation. Complete the survey or review online and get a discount on your next purchase.

If you are ready to learn more about how Beyondant’s Technology with CIT platform can help your business thrive and grow, contact Datatransx, Beyondant’s National Authorized Reseller, for more information.

 914.649.1300  info@datatransx.com  www.datatransx.com

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No Landline? No Problem! By Simon Plummer

With the hit of Covid-19 upon us all, now more than ever people are looking to save money on their monthly bills. One of the biggest ways we’ve seen people compromise to save money is to cancel their home phone – if you’ve done this or are prepared to, there are some things you need to consider!

Some monitored home security systems have been built in with the home’s original landline. Therefore, many alarms will use the home phone line to call out when the alarm is triggered.

We realize that many homeowners choose to go without a home phone line, and primarily use cell phones – even pre-pandemic. All Florida Alarms has the capability you need to connect a cellular device to call the central station, replacing the need for any phone line. Let us know if you need to switch the alarm to your cell.

Even if you want to hang onto your landline, there are still benefits of connecting your alarm system to your cell phone. In the event that service is interrupted or you experience an outage, the connection to your cellular phone will take over, making sure you know what’s going on, no matter the situation.

Let us give you peace of mind. Call Simon at (561) 488-7022 or visit allfloridaalarms.com

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