About Us

Helping Delray Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield and South Florida Businesses Grow Since 1987

Delray/Boca & Beyond Networking was established in April 1987 (as DBA) and has grown to be recognized as the most successful privately run networking group in the South Florida market. The founding member and President of the group had a vision many years ago to build a program that would allow motivated and like-minded business leaders to learn from each other while networking – driving new business opportunities, leads and referrals for each others businesses. Originated in Delray Beach, we now meet in Deerfield Beach and have members across Southeast Florida attend every week.

The members of Delray/Boca Networking meet on a weekly basis exchanging referrals and sharing opportunities to help them grow. The consistency and energy of these meetings enable the members to build strong relationships with each other, amongst fellow business leaders in the community.

The cost of membership is minimal in comparison to the value in referrals generated and overall development opportunities that come out of the program. The success of our networking group has proven to be a very cost effective method of business growth. Our longevity is a testimonial to our effectiveness and dedication to helping our members businesses grow and maximize their network.

Come to a free breakfast to see if we are a good fit for you!