Keep Your Home Festive and Free of Crime this Holiday Season


The holiday season is known to bring about times of happiness – it’s the season of giving, gifting, spending quality times with friends and family, and traveling to share in the love.

Before hitting the road this holiday season, make sure you prepare your home accordingly. Keeping your house safe is imperative to enjoying your holiday plans, so we put together this list for you to check off before you head out.

1. Hide packages or gifts.

Let’s face it – it’s 2022, most of us do our shopping online nowadays. Do your best to bring in packages as soon as they are delivered to your door to avoid theft. Install a camera or alarm at your front door, so you’ll know if anyone has been looking around, or does try to steal your items. You can also instruct your delivery drivers to leave the packages at more secretive spots, like a back or side door. We do recommend you always have them leave it where you can see from a security camera or window.

2. Test your security system.

You can always contact the call center to your alarm system and ask them to come and test before you begin your holiday celebrations. This will give you peace of mind to know your house and gifts are safe while you enjoy your time.

3. Notify a neighbor.
Burglars can tell if a house has been “abandoned” by noting a collection of mail and newspapers at a home where the owners are away. Ask a neighbor or a friend to do you a favor, and hang onto it for you. This may set the burglar off, knowing that someone is looking out for that home, and hopefully they will move along.

4. Keep your home lit, even if you are not home.

A key that burglars look for when scoping out their next hit is of course, if you are home or not. If you are out at a holiday party for the night or traveling for a week, set up automatic light sensors outside, or even leave a light on inside to deter them from breaking and entering on your property.

5. Keep your travel plans offline.
This means don’t post on a public social media platform the dates you will be away, especially if you have your demographics in your profile. You never know who could be snooping around and doing some planning.

The team at All Florida Alarms wishes you a safe and festive Holiday Season!
